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Writer's pictureLuiza Bruscato

Mesa Brasileira participates in Workshop on Low Carbon Livestock, by MAPA

The Brazilian Roundtable, represented by Vice President João Netto and Executive Director Luiza Bruscato, participated in the "Low Carbon Livestock" discussion workshop held on May 31, organized by the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAPA) through the National Program for Decarbonized Agricultural Production Chains.

“The participation of the Brazilian Roundtable in the creation of guidelines for a low-carbon program is very important so that we can continue advancing the sustainable development of Brazilian livestock farming, as well as remain aligned with the goals of reducing the impact of climate change globally,” commented Netto Schimansky, Vice President of the Brazilian Roundtable.

In the morning, attendees listened to presentations by experts covering the ABC+ Plan, the Decarbonized Agricultural Chains Program (SDI/MAPA), challenges and opportunities for sustainable livestock farming in the Pantanal (Instituto Taquari), and sustainable calf production in the Amazon, Cerrado, and Pantanal biomes (IDH).

The afternoon was focused on discussing and drafting a document outlining the main axes and guidelines for developing the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock's Low Carbon Livestock Program.

Among the approximately 50 attendees, there were nine members associated with the Brazilian Roundtable, including Silvio Balduino (ABPO); Richard Smith (IPAM); João Paulo Franco and Rafael Filho (CNA); Marina Piatto (Imaflora); Renato Roscoe (Instituto Taquari Vivo); Ricardo Nissen (ABIEC); Paulo Costa and Daniela Mariuzzo (IDH Brazil); and Ricardo Andrade (CICB); Netto Schimansky (Norvida and VP of the Brazilian Roundtable).

During the event, MAPA mentioned a public consultation for the Carbon + Green Seal, which was launched on June 5 and will extend for 60 days. The consultation aims to gather impressions and feedback on a Compliance Seal that defines minimum criteria for Low Carbon Emission Livestock. The Brazilian Roundtable on Sustainable Livestock is gathering interested parties to contribute to this call and intends to organize feedback through the Climate Working Group. Participate and learn more via email at

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